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Appointment of New Board Members


Publisher: In-Sight Publishing

Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014

Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada

Publication: Freethought Newswire

Original Link:

Publication Date: May 15, 2024

Organization: Secular Student Alliance

Organization Description: The Secular Student Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the only national organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, and other non-theist students. The Secular Student Alliance empowers secular students to proudly express their identity, build welcoming communities, promote secular values, and set a course for lifelong activism.

By Kevin Bolling

The Secular Student Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of five new members to its Board of Directors: Victoria Anderson (student member), Stephanie Hlywak, Joey Hunziker, James Modisette, and Dr. Eric Solomon. 

Elected at the April Board meeting, these members will begin serving this month and will join the full Board along with SSA staff and SSA students from around the country for the annual SSA Conference this summer, which is being held at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock on June 14-16. They join current board members Ryan Bodanyi (Chair), Kristina Lee (Vice Chair), Shanti Priya (Treasurer), Clinton Herndon (Secretary), Chinelle Ekanem, Wilds Ross, Ron Zakay, Harry Shaughnessy, and Nadine You.

“These new members of the Board bring skills in marketing and communications; non-profit management; strategic planning; and youth organizing,” said Ryan Bodanyi, Board Chair. “They also bring a selfless dedication to serving others, and a desire to support the students we serve. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working alongside them.”

We continue to see a growing number of nonreligious students and young people in the United States,” said Kevin Bolling, Secular Student Alliance Executive Director. “The new board members bring a wealth of experience and a unique perspective on the work we do at SSA to support students in schools and on campuses across the country.”

The Secular Student Alliance is welcoming the following board members:

Victoria Anderson is a third-year law student with a passionate interest in human and civil rights activism. She believes that effective and sustainable change should start with building strong communities. While pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Victoria helped start an SSA chapter at her university, in the heart of the Bible Belt. She has since started a second chapter at her law school to bring together future attorneys with a passion for church-state separation and promoting equal rights for everyone, regardless of their background.

Stephanie Hlywak is a communications strategist and law-abiding rule breaker for purpose-driven organizations. She honed her policy chops in one of the nation’s top public affairs shops, led PR and public awareness functions for the most influential library association in the world, and served in leadership roles in many non-profits, associations, and agencies. The throughline in her career has been to work on behalf of organizations and businesses that transform our world for the better. Stephanie earned an M.A. from the University of Chicago and a B.S. in journalism from Medill at Northwestern University. 

Joey Hunziker is a program director for a national education and disability advocacy organization where he leads the organization’s programs in addition to its efforts to develop and train young disabled advocates. He has a deep passion for cultivating the next generation of leaders to transform our school systems into dynamic, equitable, just, and inclusive places for learning. Joey’s background as an educator and facilitator has significantly shaped his career. He has been in DC since 2014 working on national education issues, always pushing to center racial justice and the needs of our most overlooked students and communities.

James Modisette is a dedicated professional with a strong background in nonprofit management, development, and operations. Currently pursuing a Master of Science in Nonprofit Management at Northeastern University, James leverages his academic knowledge and practical experience to drive impactful change within organizations. James currently works as the Senior Associate of Development and Board Relations at the Data Quality Campaign in Washington, D.C., James plays a key role in managing DQC’s grant portfolio, ensuring timely submission of grants and reports, and fostering strong relationships with foundations.

Dr. Eric Solomon’s journey began in academia, where he earned a Master’s and Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, focusing on AI and ML. Transitioning to the business world, Eric led research and strategy for creative agencies before taking up leadership positions at global giants like YouTube, Spotify, Google, and Instagram. His stint as the CMO for Bonobos, a Walmart-owned DTC e-retailer, further showcases his leadership expertise. Currently, he is at the helm of The Human Operating System, a strategic advisory platform he founded, dedicated to integrating human-centric strategies in business. 


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