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Ask A Genius 917: Regrets for Mr. IQ


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/04/19

[Recording Start] 

Rick Rosner: I was thinking about some of the regrets in my life and an IQ related regret came up that I thought I’d tell you about. 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is the regret?

Rosner: So, one of the most powerful people in Hollywood is a guy named Brian Grazer who along with Ron Howard runs Imagine Entertainment. About 20 years ago, he must have gotten an idea, maybe more than 20 years ago, that he should bring in and have a session with all the high IQ people he could find in the LA area and see if there’s anything there. I was one of the people brought in and there were like a dozen high IQ people and we all sucked. We all just came across as a bunch of pompous, full of ourselves weirdos and it was obvious like I hated the flop sweat in that room. It just fucking stank of social inaptitude of people who didn’t know what they were doing in there and we really didn’t. We weren’t given any clues. To meet with one of the most powerful guys, the guy that you couldn’t normally get a meeting with, that we were handicapped by being in a room with a bunch of other jackasses and this was before we’ve had our 10 years of talking about shit and before I’d had 10 years of pitching shit to Jimmy every day. But it’s clear to me now in retrospect. I just should have walked in there with shit to pitch and explain we’re all a bunch of fucking weirdos but this and this, this idea, this project, and this project… High IQ people are fucking miserable but what about a high IQ dog and then have the whole thing laid out or other projects. I just didn’t know to do that right. I regret that. 

[Recording End]


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