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Ask A Genius 906: The Funk in Daily Life from Trump


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/04/06

[Recording Start] 

Rick Rosner: So, you’ve been away for a couple months and plus you’re up in Canada, so you don’t get the daily barrage of awfulness that is US News. My wife Carole just had to turn off the news and leave the room yesterday, I think. Experts on cyber-attack and propaganda say that we’re getting hit with an unprecedented barrage in America of BS and shenanigans between now and the election in November. For instance, in February Russians hacked the US Medicare for a month and maybe longer. Old people weren’t able to get their prescriptions filled. So, I mean disruption only helps the Trump side of things and being where you are, you’ve missed the unapologetic awfulness that is Trump. I mean he keeps outdoing himself in terms of embracing being just a prick and just everything bad about Trump. He’s owning all of it and not apologizing for any of it. The only good thing about Trump is that he is consistently bad at stuff. Just to demonstrate that mathematically, I follow an online bookie which is like Vegas odds and what I follow is the odds of Biden getting reelected versus Trump and two months ago, Vegas had Trump twice as likely as to get reelected as Biden and yesterday the odds went to 50-50. They’ve been steadily moving in favor of Biden. Biden’s raised about twice as much money as Trump. He is obviously much less of an asshole than Trump.

I’m hopeful for Biden but we’ve got seven more months of just the daily awfulness in the US. I don’t know what Canada does but France like limits political campaigns to six weeks before the election and we have nothing like that. Basically, Trump’s been campaigning since he lost the last time and it just adds a funk to daily life here.

[Recording End]


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