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Ask A Genius 914: AI Porn Generator


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/04/17

[Recording Start] 

Rick Rosner: So, for about the last week, I have an AI porn generator just automatically loading images onto the web page. It was just going, and I was watching it because the stuff that it comes up with, which I’m sure is the result of people asking for that stuff, was interesting, especially how fast it changed. One day it might be women in kimonos or half out of kimonos, and then the next day, it might be women in space helmets and older women or women with a rash on their butts, and sometimes the AI gets confused, and if somebody has a round pair of buttocks, it got confused and put nipples on the buttocks because AI doesn’t understand anything. It’s just making bets as to what belongs where. I was interested in how fast it changed and generated new stuff. A few days ago, it was guys getting with women made of blue gel; the women were globby-like jellyfish creatures. And then in the last day or so, it started generating very apparently young women, and at that point, I’m like, “Well, time to go. I did not want to look at this, nor did I have it on my computer.” 

I don’t know if a web page has images on it if you get rid of that webpage, whether it’s on your computer or not, but I didn’t want that stuff on there. Coincidentally, there was an article in the LA Times today that said that underage-looking AI images are getting to be such a problem that they are looking at changing the law to make that illegal in the state. There might already be Federal legislation, I mean, because formerly, if somebody threw up a drawing of, like, somebody underage who’s naked, that wasn’t prosecutable because it wasn’t a real person. And then, with AI plus Photoshop, they started getting complaints about people whose lives were wrecked—high School and Junior High kids where somebody took their heads and put them on naked bodies. If you can generate one AI picture, you can develop a hundred in a fraction of a second. So, I’ve had to get off of my computer for things that automatically generate AI images because a) I don’t want to see them, and b) I don’t want that; that stuff is bad news. I’d assumed until this stuff showed up on that web page that they had protections in place that, like, if you look at a naked lady website and it’s a legit site, every model, a woman who’s taken her clothes off, there’s somebody has checked her ID, and that ID is on file someplace. So, you’re assured that you’re looking at somebody of legal age. So, I assumed there was some governance of AI, but no. And so, no to AI, at least naked lady AI. 

[Recording End]


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