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Ask A Genius 911: The Square Root Law of Mesh Networks


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/04/12

[Recording Start] 

Rick Rosner: I was talking about the square root law of mesh networks, which states that the efficiency of people whose brains are linked is proportional to the square root of the number of people in the network. 

Black box-ness. So, we see this with AI and Google Translate, where AI can be effective, like playing Go, where AI often will reach robust conclusions, but you need to know the basis for those conclusions. It is a black box that gives you the results. So, a certain amount of black box from meshed groups of people, especially if they are meshed with AI, say you have got a team of intelligent people whose brains are all linked with each other and with AI, well they might come up with great ideas but may not be able to explain or replicable explain the basis for their ideas adequately. They are the self-contained thing that produces stuff but is a black box.

Propaganda Porn. So, as I said, I have been looking at a lot of AI-naked ladies. I could see how bad actors could hijack this; in the future, I am thinking of Russia because Russia spends tens of millions of dollars a year, which is not that much, but it is cheap to make people crazy via social media. So, I can imagine Russia in the future trying to make people hate themselves by making porn even more corrosive than it is so that everybody who jerks off in America hates themselves. Like, just as you are about to cum, it replaces the picture you are jacking off to with a photo of your daughter that would make you hate yourself; that would be very corrosive. It would Wake you up. The only thing that would stop Russia from doing that would be that porn all by itself is super corrosive anyway, and porn changes so much, now that AI is powering a lot of it, from moment to moment, that Russia may not be able to keep up. They may be like, “All right, we will just let America burn down, and we do not need to make porn any worse.” 

This thing is an actual real-world thing with AI porn that obviously and for good reasons, it is illegal to make porn with underage people, but with AI, it is not unlawful to create images of people who do not exist who look like they are underage. This is a very creepy thing that you see in some AI porn, and I do not know how you legislate around that. I mean, do you make it illegal to make pornographic images of people who appear to be under 18, and does that go against the First Amendment? I do not know, but do not tell Republicans because they will come up with like ridiculous legislation that makes the problem worse. 

Since we are still talking about porn, reducing the misery footprint of products and jobs like porn. So, technology does and will continue to reduce the investment in human and animal misery you are making when you buy stuff like diamonds. Diamonds have always included misery, political repression, and support like bad guy regimes, you know, blood diamonds. However, in the past five years, making flawless diamonds of any weight has become possible. Ten years ago, technology could get you a quarter-carat diamond, which is okay so that you could get a synthetic tennis bracelet. Now, they can make diamonds up to 10 carats, 20 carats, or as big as you want for less than a third of the cost of natural diamonds. Also, you are not supporting some awful African dictator.

Carol and I walked into a diamond store because we were in Antwerp, Belgium, the world’s diamond capital, and we just went in to see the deal. This woman was wearing a gigantic ring: the sales lady. She said if these were natural diamonds, it would be $150,000. It was the size of not a golf ball but just crazy big, and she said, with synthetic diamonds, it was 30,000 and with no cruelty. So, you might see that with meat in the future, and you might see it with porn in the future. 

[Recording End]


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