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Learning from the Underhands


Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Personal)

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/05/27

 Periodically, I take some time to view the content pumped out of my home municipality, Langley, way out in the boondocks of British Columbia, Canada. One of the last articles miffed about 27 dads or a small group claiming to representing some number of dads like that.

They emailed my bosses at UCIrvine, the Canadian Association of Journalists, and the Good Men Project. Just adult, probably, 40+ year old men reading a satire as literal — oh, Fort Langley, where would I be without your provision of a humorous life for me, growing up and now — ad vitam aeternam?

My email is perfectly well-available on this site and elsewhere. Yet, they decided to — unlike mature adult responsible men — 1) read satire as satire instead of as news and 2) spread defamatory lies in a real claim to all bosses behind my back without emailing me, at all. I had to email them! They could have unguardedly sent an email direct to me. It seems easier. Such is that community of fellows, I suppose.

After correspondence, I was informed some people had been intimidating or harassing one of the only dissenting voices in the community, a lady lawyer, including her law practice. Oh, Langley, you never cease to amaze with civil behaviour. In the end, I took the satire down based on repeated further and further requests by the fathers and to protect there feelings, as they sincerely had very hurt feelings.

Vade retro satana, I say to thee. That book and others are long, long closed, as far as I am concerned.

Given this and other behaviour, I have committed myself to reportage on Langley’s more ridiculous inhabitants, if not merely for the humour of sensible individuals in the township or outside, wherever they may be.


In-Sight Publishing by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at


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