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Ask A Genius 895: “I am the chosen one.”


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/02/06

[Recording Start] 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Trump’s quote is, “I am the chosen one.” This is crazy talk coming from surveys of about a third of Americans who believe Trump was not ordained by God but guided or even selected by God to lead. 

Rosner: Anything he does that seems terrible, like fucking porn or inciting an insurrection or any of that stuff. His shortcomings as a man are tests of their faith. I believe he’s their saviour, and if you can’t see past his human frailties, which we all have, you’re not really a believer. It’s like dinosaurs were put in the fossils of dinosaurs and in the ground to test our faith in God. If you fall for the trick of believing in evolution, your faith has failed, and you failed as a Christian. It’s just pure stupidity. So, Trump has twice been found liable for slander, for saying lousy shit about E. Jean Carroll, saying that he didn’t rape her and calling her shit and twice she’s taken him to Court. In each case, the judge has ruled that her allegations are true that Trump is liable to her and that in the first trial, the Court ruled that he owes her $5 million, and in the second trial, they haven’t come up with damages yet. There may be a third trial because, he went on Truth Social, his social medium and in the space of 40 minutes, sent out 47 posts attacking E. Jean Carroll. 

E. Jean Carroll was for about 30 years a relationships and sex columnist for women’s magazines like Bazaar or Glamour and was very sex-positive and very exuberant. So, Trump just went ahead and tweeted out 47 quotes from her old columns from decades ago where she said, like, embrace sex. So, his implied argument is that if she’s going to speak positively about sex, he couldn’t have raped her, and if he did rape her, it doesn’t matter because she wrote about sex. He’s been a piece of shit for his whole adult life, but he continues to surprise with the new depths of shitt-iness that he plums, which may serve him well because in 2016, based on him saying awful shit, he got five billion dollars worth of free media coverage that helped him get elected. A lot of pundits think, and I hope they’re right, that there’s been a semi-media moratorium on Trump and that the media aren’t covering every single word that Trump says the way that it’s still too soon before the election for him to get and he’s not the nominee yet. So, it’s too soon to give him the depth of coverage that he’d get closer to the election. Still, the pundits are saying that given the horrible shit that he’s saying every day when he starts when people start paying attention and when the media starts giving him more coverage, this will disgust most people. He’ll lose support I hope they’re right. 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Trump’s quote is, “I am the chosen one.” This is crazy talk coming from surveys of about a third of Americans who believe Trump was not ordained by God but guided or even selected by God to lead. 

Rosner: Anything he does that seems terrible, like fucking porn or inciting an insurrection or any of that stuff. His shortcomings as a man are tests of their faith. I believe he’s their saviour, and if you can’t see past his human frailties, which we all have, you’re not really a believer. It’s like dinosaurs were put in the fossils of dinosaurs and in the ground to test our faith in God. If you fall for the trick of believing in evolution, your faith has failed, and you failed as a Christian. It’s just pure stupidity. So, Trump has twice been found liable for slander, for saying lousy shit about E. Jean Carroll, saying that he didn’t rape her and calling her shit, and twice she’s taken him to Court. In each case, the judge has ruled that her allegations are true that Trump is liable to her and that in the first trial, the Court ruled that he owes her $5 million, and in the second trial, they haven’t come up with damages yet. There may be a third trial because two days ago, he went on Truth Social, his social medium and in the space of 40 minutes, sent out 47 posts attacking E. Jean Carroll. 

E. Jean Carroll was for about 30 years a relationships and sex columnist for women’s magazines like Bazaar or Glamour and was very sex-positive and very exuberant. So, Trump just went ahead and tweeted out 47 quotes from her old columns from decades ago where she said, like, embrace sex. So, his implied argument is that if she’s going to speak positively about sex, he couldn’t have raped her, and if he did rape her, it doesn’t matter because she wrote about sex. He’s been a piece of shit for his whole adult life, but he continues to surprise with the new depths of shitt-iness that he plums, which may serve him well because in 2016, based on him saying awful shit, he got five billion dollars worth of free media coverage that helped him get elected. A lot of pundits think, and I hope they’re right, that there’s been a semi-media moratorium on Trump and that the media aren’t covering every single word that Trump says the way that it’s still too soon before the election for him to get and he’s not the nominee yet. So, it’s too soon to give him the depth of coverage that he’d get closer to the election. Still, the pundits are saying that given the horrible shit that he’s saying every day, when he starts being when people start paying attention and when the media starts giving him more coverage, this will disgust most people. He’ll lose support I hope they’re right. 

[Recording End]

[Recording Start]

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: This is an addendum to the last session.

Rick Rosner: You just played me a clip from four years ago when Trump said he was the chosen one, chosen to fight China. So, now four years later he’s saying chosen by God. He was implying it four years ago but now he’s saying it but a new development is the Democrats in the House I think, did some accounting and you’re not supposed to get money from foreign governments or from any kind of foreign entity while President. And while President, Trump who says he’s going to take on China was paid 7.8 million dollars from foreign governments with two third of that coming from China and he said “Well it’s fine, any money that I get I will turn over to the treasury.”

So, it’s not fine and he even though he said he’d turn over the money to the treasury, he turned over some pittance like 2% of it, like 50 Grand. This is the same shit that the Republicans in the House are going after Biden for except that Biden didn’t receive any money from foreign governments and also wasn’t in government for the years that Trump was. So, things are all backwards here.

[Recording End]


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