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Ask A Genius 888: Devin Summers


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/02/04

[Recording Start] 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: This is feedback for 

“The Creator Holy Spirit and the Creator Holy Spirit, free will, Garden of Eden, Ten Commandments, infinitely large and the small oblivion is within all creation beyond the elemental particles, and then as per the two Creator’s Word, the Bible present Testament all things living word as per the Bible present Prof-ic is just one number. The two creators say all things good. The two creators are God of all things, equals incarnation, and have allowed me to know very little about time except that the present is only 3 seconds, and all time is otherwise free for reincarnation. Just as the two creators set limits for the oceans, they let me know and say that they have also set limits on nothing oblivion in creation. Terrorists beware of hell.” 

Jacobsen: This continues with the last statement/comment. 

Rosner: So, you said it’s in all caps?

Jacobsen: Most of it.

Rosner: Yeah, that in itself is always a bad sign. This person has come up with a pattern of thought or a system of thought that I really can’t address because I don’t believe in practical infinities. I don’t believe in infinite beings, I don’t believe in infinities in the world that we deal in, that we live in. I don’t engage with the concept of the Holy Spirit; I mean all of us, whether we admit it or not, have certain religious principles that we wish to be true, namely eternal life and reincarnation, but most of us don’t believe in those things. If you’re at all science-minded, it makes it hard to believe in that stuff. I get some of the people who interact with me on Twitter to say similar things. This may be one of the people that I talked to on Twitter. Is it Derek?

Jacobsen: Yes.

Rosner: Anyway, I wish him good luck and clarity in pursuing his goals, but he believes in a bunch of stuff that I have difficulty believing. 

Jacobsen: You were more respectful than I would have been, although you didn’t have to read it. 

[Recording End]


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