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Concerns for Safety Among the French Ex-Muslim Community








Author: Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Numbering: Issue 1.A, Idea: The Tale of the Tribe: International Apostates

Place of Publication: Langley, British Columbia, Canada

Title: Apostasia

Web Domain:

Individual Publication Date: June 29, 2020

Issue Publication Date: TBD

Name of Publisher: In-Sight Publishing

Frequency: Once Per Year

Words: 874

Keywords: apostasy, ex-Muslim, Islam, Waleed Al-Husseini.

Concerns for Safety Among the French Ex-Muslim Community[1],[2]

Waleed Al-Husseini founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of France. He escaped the Palestinian Authority after torture and imprisonment in Palestine to Jordan and then France. He is a friend. 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What do you see as the issue for 2018 and secularism in France?

Waleed Al-Husseini: For me, the most concerning issue in France at this time are the things that have been said by the president when he said that the state is secular, but the society is not. This is one of big things. We do not agree here.

Even French secularism cannot accept this because since the beginning, that society also incorporates secularism. If the society does not incorporate secularism, that means you will open the door more for Islamism (political Islam).

There will be more things like hijab and then separated sexes in the society, and make more of a micro-society within the larger society. One that does not integrate. Also, the president went to church and asked for church to be made into something political and then return things back between to the republic and church.

However, this also is a danger to open the big door for Muslim fundamentalists to come into French political life. These two issues, for me, are the most dangerous things done by president Macron. They are anti-secularism in France.

Jacobsen: It has been a while. What is the status of the Council of Ex-Muslims in France? Is everyone safe? Is the community growing?

Al-Husseini: Yes, we are all safe. I received more threats, but I am still alive. I founded one conference with ex-Muslims in Norway. It was good to speak about the right of blasphemy and what is going on in Europe and how things going on with isolation and other stuff.

So now in Norway, we got some ex-Muslims from Turkey and Pakistan too. It means we grow to be in most of the European countries and share the ideas because the situation is different from country to country.

Jacobsen: Any new books in the works coming around the corner?

Al-Husseini: My second book was published in France last year. I wish it would be translated into English because this one is important. I speak about the celebration of Islam radicals in Europe. I explain the strategy of political Islam.

I try to find solutions by explaining things like “Islamophobia” and racism and the using of these definitions to throw at the liberal society, and then using freedom for soft isolation from society. I would like to publish in English, but still, now there are no suggestions for translation.

Jacobsen: Can you recommend some books for people interested in learning more about the experiences of nonbelievers and ex-Muslims in particular?

Al-Husseini: The Blasphemer: The Price I Paid for Rejecting Islam, it is my book. The book of Ayaan Hirsi Ali called Infidel: My Life. Another book by Ibn Warraq entitled Why I Am Not a Muslim. These books are testimony and published in English.

We have others in other languages: French and German, but not English.

Jacobsen: As I have done several interviews and articles on and with the ex-Muslim community around the world. What is their primary concern regarding personal safety and getting their messages out to the secular, democratic world, which tends to be the Western world?

Al-Husseini: Yes, sure and thank you for all this work you do to help us reach our voice for more people. For us, yes, because we face the dangers there, we get killed or arrested without knowing about us.

That is why we try to make our voices heard more, especially for the Western world. Because the Arabic world doesn’t accept us. They do not have a democratic culture. For the Western world, to tell them, their people are leaving their region.

They will understand us because they face the problems of religion and dictators. All these reasons make us send these messages to them. Messages about our personal safety. This is our big problem. Anyway, it becomes a problem for anyone to speak about Islam or Islamism and the reason is clear as to why.

Jacobsen: Thank you for the opportunity and your time, Waleed.

Image Credit: Waleed Al-Husseini.

Appendix I: Footnotes

[1] Founder, In-Sight Publishing.

[2] Individual Publication Date: June 29, 2020:

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In-Sight Publishing and Apostasia by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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© Scott Douglas Jacobsen, In-Sight Publishing, and Apostasia 2012-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scott Douglas Jacobsen, and In-Sight Publishing and Apostasia with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All interviewees and authors co-copyright their material and may disseminate for their independent purposes.

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