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Ask A Genius 941: IC Now


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/06/12

[Recording Start] 

Rick Rosner: In my novel, the main character, similar to myself, possesses a framework that, if not a complete theory of the universe, points towards one. As he ages, he increasingly treats it with casual disregard and allows it to diminish in importance.

As he becomes engrossed in the minutiae of daily life, he follows a stereotypical pattern observed in the lives of mathematicians and scientists, whether universally true or not. This pattern was evident in Einstein, who accomplished his most significant work early in his career and spent the last 30 years striving for significant discoveries without much success. Similarly, Newton, who lived to an advanced age for his time, made his groundbreaking contributions early on and later served as the director of the Royal Mint. There exists a stereotype that one’s most significant work is done early in life, and later years are either marked by a decline in mental capacity to generate innovative ideas or by being overwhelmed by life’s demands.

I should be focusing on IC (Informational Cosmology). I still aspire to develop and disseminate IC, as it offers a superior framework for understanding the universe, consciousness, and existence compared to current theories. Despite my conviction, I find myself lazy and distracted, even as the rest of the world advances towards similar understandings through artificial intelligence and other technologies, approaching a more profound comprehension of consciousness. This lack of dedicated effort towards promoting IC might be considered one of the most significant failures of my life.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: A comprehensive framework exists for redefining information and applying it to developing physical laws, providing a much more dynamic view of the world. A significant barrier exists, however. 

Rosner: According to IC and common sense, information cannot exist without a relevant framework. IC posits that a universe is necessary for information to exist. This universe must be an information process; a universe not constructed from information and centred around information processing is unlikely to exist. Furthermore, such a universe is likely to be conscious. The information need not be registered in the consciousness embodied in the universe, but it must be part of the structure of any reasonable universe.

Rosner: Any comments?

Jacobsen: None.

Rosner: Does that conclude the topic for now?

Jacobsen: For now.

[Recording End]


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