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Cognitive Thrift 50 – Individual


Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen and Rick Rosner

Publication (Outlet/Website): Cognitive Thrift

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2017/12/15

[Beginning of recorded material] 

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Game theory can be applied to the individual. Game theory can be  applied to the species. We have talked more about game theory as applied to the species  within the context of deep evolutionary time as well. How does game theory apply to an  individual? 

Rick Rosner: Well, in a couple of different ways, one is different life strategies among  individuals, where due to our evolutionary history, or due to having evolved, most of animals  want to reproduce, but in many species it’s only the fittest animals according to some criteria that  get to reproduce. Generally, greater fitness leads to greater reproductive fitness. 

I guess particularly among males, but I’m not sure. 

Jacobsen: What does fitness in evolution mean to you? 

Rosner: It is being well-adapted to survival in the world. The part of the world that the organism  finds itself in. So, it looks like jocks versus nerds situation, where the jocks, the fittest  individuals, monopolize reproduction and the nerds are shut out.  

It is not just reproduction. It is in competition for anything within or among members of a  species. 

The fitter individuals may monopolize resources. And the less fit individuals can’t compete for  resources straight-on in many instances.  

So, the less fit individuals can either be content with a lower quality of life or they can die  because they do not have access to as many resources and more fit individuals or they can try  lower probability strategies with potential for a high payoff. 

[End of recorded material]


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