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Fort Langley and the Northern Order


Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Personal)

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/06/27

I don’t know what’s wrong with we the White race.

Former boss & business-owner in Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada

My hometown of Fort Langley is known as a National Historic Site, home to a lot of cool restaurants and shops, and an undercurrent of hilarious news and a ton of nonsense. One of those is the organizing by some white nationalist groups in the town.

Fort Langley is a town of approximately 3,400 people. So, everyone, more or less, knows everyone and every person is to some degree in every other person’s business. Only a few years ago, members of the Northern Order organized in Fort Langley.

I lived there for over 30 years. I know the place, and happily left. The comment at the top is reflective of a long-time business owner there. That’s important. Because they aren’t some random bystander or a momentary resident there for less than a couple of years, or merely a visitor during the annual cranberry festival.

So, I have been going over historical news and current news to give an insight into the less self-congratulatory aspects of the town, especially by intimidation tactics by some community members. A more recent one from 27 dads who read satire as news and tried to get me fired from multiple jobs. This is underhanded behaviour.

They cannot deal with the facts — let alone a joke. So, they move to that style of behaviour, when personal intimidation cannot work anymore, spreading rumours and lying don’t work, and harassment have failed too. The reasons are simple. They don’t want some of the truth of the town told, because a mirror is acidic. To me, the easiest method is to simply email me; they never or rarely do.

As recently as 2019, Matthew Claxton reported on the white nationalist group, the Northern Order. A group of 11 fellows stood in front of the Big House in the Fort and held the Hudson Bay Company flag. It is symbolic of the first European settlement of substance within the larger Fraser Valley.

The Facebook page for the Northern Order identified as a “group dedicated to preserving and advancing British Columbia’s founding European and Anglo stock.” I did 23andMe. My heritage ethnicity, ‘race,’ and nationality-wise, is 100% Northwestern European. These people do not represent me.

Claxton wrote:

A post on the page encourages people to “Defend Canada! Organize with us in bc [sic]!… Here we see what Canada was before and after ‘cultural enrichment’ by the Marxist elites.”

As of Monday, the page had 131 likes and had not posted much in the past two years.

“I really don’t understand why they would choose the Hudson’s Bay Company as a symbol,” said Cloverdale-Langley City MP John Aldag.

I was on a committee with John Aldag. I like him. He noted in the article. There was never anything remotely identifying as a monolith of a British-descended identity. French, Hawaiaan, Métis, traders and employees were part of the community.

At the time Parks Canada said, “Discrimination has no place at Parks Canada places and it is unacceptable that this extremist group posed for a photo at Fort Langley National Historic Site… Canada’s national parks and historic sites belong to all Canadians and tell stories of who we are, including the history, cultures, and contributions of peoples from all backgrounds… The site’s multicultural history is recognized, celebrated, and explored through special events, interpretive programming, and exhibits, and reflected in all aspects of its management.”

Apparently, many of the images posted online from these brave ethnic supremacists had the faces blacked out. I wonder why…


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