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Ask A Genius 979: The Never-Book “Dumbass Genius”


Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/06/27

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: A question from someone else: When is your book coming out?

Rick Rosner: Yeah, well, I don’t have an autobiography coming out. I semi-abandoned that. It’s still there if somebody wants to pay me to write it. But before that book comes out, I’m writing this other book that’s a more fictionalized version of what it’s like to be competent in the world with a whole different character who’s a lot more fun than I am. So, that book will have to come before any autobiography. Sorry.

Jacobsen: How far did you get into that first book, and what were some things that stood out section-wise?

Rosner: I probably had it half to two-thirds written. You can read a big chunk of it on my Twitter page. You can read — I don’t know — at least 10–12,000 words of it because I put it up as a lengthy Twitter thread. You can find it as my pinned tweet. It’s hundreds and hundreds of tweets strung together, giving you a sense of what the book would have been like. So, A, that book’s not coming out on any schedule, but B, you can read 10% of it right now — the end.

Rick Rosner, American Television Writer,

Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Independent Journalist,


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