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Humanist Conference in Singapore: Exploring Secularism and Interfaith Harmony


Publisher: In-Sight Publishing

Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014

Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada

Publication: Freethought Newswire

Original Link:

Publication Date: April 26, 2024

Organization: Humanists International

Organization Description: Humanists International is the global representative body at the heart of the humanist movement. Inspired by humanist values, we are optimistic for a world where everyone can have a dignified and fulfilling life. We build, support and represent the global humanist movement and work to champion human rights and secularism. We support democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Singapore will be the center of global humanism as it hosts the International Humanist Conference (IHC) from 30 to 31 August 2024. This year’s host, our Member, the Humanist Society Singapore in collaboration with Humanists International, marks this conference as a major opportunity to explore ideas of secularism and interfaith harmony.

Attendees can expect insightful talks and interactive experiences like interfaith tours and workshops facilitated by subject-matter experts, enriching their understanding of diverse religious practices and fostering dialogue across denominations. This event will bring together 140 foreign delegates, including senior leadership and representatives from non-religious organizations worldwide, along with university students and young adults.

The International Humanist Conference (IHC) is just one part of a larger gathering in Singapore, the 2024 Humanists International General Assembly that will also take place on 1 September, serves as the policy-making body of Humanists International, comprising representatives from Members, Associates, and the Humanists International Board. Convened at least once yearly, it fosters discussions, elections, and awards ceremonies.

Save the date for an inspiring experience at the IHC and the 2024 Humanists International General Assembly in Singapore. Engage with peers, learn from experts, and shape the future of global humanism. For ticket details, visit Humanists Society Singapore through their website. For more information about the 2024 Humanists International General Assembly, including the agenda and registration, visit the official event page.


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