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Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal: Wolfgang Smith on the devil


Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Personal)

Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/06/17

The Devil is not a fable. It is not a theological fantasy. He is as real and solid a reality as Mount Everest. It is one of the greatest forces operating in the world because it is really, in a sense, a counterforce to God. We all agree — no doubt — that God is all-powerful and the prime power more powerful than anything else. Granted, that the negative of God, the negation of God, which we call Satan, comes in second place.

Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal, “Wolfgang Smith on the devil.” (2024)

Where do you start with this one? This is a prime, powerful example of the basic premise: Simply because someone is older does not mean that they’re correct. They have more time on the planet, so have sifted more information. It’s a richer worldline information base. That’s fair.

However, when we look at the basic premise, there is no real presentation to believe this man. If an older gentleman was a creationist when younger and is a creationist at 102, is he all-of-the-sudden correct? No, nonetheless, his wrongness is grounded in more time and experience.

That’s not nothing. When it comes to Wolfgang Smith and his assertions to the Devil as not a fable and not a theological fantasy, and claiming the reality as “real and solid” as Mount Everest, I pause. What is the basis for this?

Most descriptions of the Devil focus on a spiritual entity, not on a solid entity, certainly not as something as inanimate as a mountain. On the deeper point, the idea of something as real as we experience Mount Everest. It’s still false. Because he ties this to other premises.

The idea that we all agree. That’s false. The idea of all agreeing on God being all-powerful. Some have the idea of no gods, or many gods, or a limited god. Some don’t even believe in a Devil. In fact, probably, something like half of the world does not believe in the biblical Devil, as only a huge hunk is Islamic or Christian or Jewish.

Other religions and non-religion have nothing to do with those conceptualizations of a God, of an all-powerful entity, of a Devil, and the like. One can only hope Jaimungal pushed back on the nonsense spouted by the man. It seems less a theory and more a hypothesis, or a vague theological guess.


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